BIR 2015 Workshop Keynote:
Decision Support via Big Multidimensional Data Visualisation
Assoc. Prof. Audronė Lupeikienė, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Abstract: Characteristics of today’s world, such as globalisation, dynamics and often unpredictable changes, huge amounts of data, are being observed on any of its entities. Even a philosophy in general beyond business information systems is frequently changing. Nowadays, they should be thought of first of all as the decision-oriented systems supported by different types of subsystems. As managers are faced with a need to make time-critical decisions, data should be presented in an easily understandable form; so multidimensional data visualisation is becoming an essential constituent of such systems, especially in the age of growing amounts of data to be processed and analysed. This talk addresses the neural networks-based methods for visualization of big multidimensional datasets. It also includes comments on knowledge discovery and predictive analytics in this context, highlights open issues.

Audronė Lupeikienė is associate professor, researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University. Her research interests include information systems, service-oriented architecture, and software engineering; currently involved in the research project “Theoretical and Engineering Aspects of e-Service Technology Development and Application in High-Performance Computing Platforms”. She has published more than 40 papers; co-editor of two books and author of the textbook on theoretical and technological aspects of information systems. She has participated in program committees of many conferences and workshops, is member of the editorial board of Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University, Computer Sciences.