BIR 2015
Papers can be submitted in two categories:
- Full papers (up to 15 pages) should report on novel research results.
- Research in progress and industrial application papers (up to 8 pages) can be used to report on preliminary results of ongoing research, or applications of previous research in an industrial setting (e.g. industrial case studies where the novelty does not warrant a full paper).
The submission must be an original work that has not been published or submitted elsewhere. The language of the conference is English. They must be submitted using the Easychair system by the April 13, 2015 (extended deadline) . See all important dates here.
All accepted papers will be published in a dedicated volume in the series Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP, Springer). Accordingly, submissions must be formatted according to the Springer Instructions for LNBIP authors.