BIR 2015 Keynote:
Liquid Business Process Model Collections
Assoc. Prof. Marcello La Rosa, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Abstract: Business processes are multimillion dollar assets in large firms. Explicit representations of these processes in the form of process models are used to inform strategic decision making by various stakeholders and as blueprints for automation. However, the large number of business processes within an organization, their frequent changes and the variety of process stakeholders and related purposes, lead to significant challenges in keeping these models aligned with corporate reality. In the worst case, entire process model collections become out-of-date and are slowly deprecated, as new models are created from scratch. The result: headache for your analysts and little value for your managers. This keynote explores new research trends aiming at solving these important challenges by combining techniques from process mining with those from the management of large process model collections, to empower process models with the ability to self-adapt to organisational changes.

Marcello La Rosa is associate professor at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and principal researcher at NICTA, Brisbane, Australia. His research interests span different BPM areas, including process consolidation, mining and automation, in which he published over 90 papers. He leads the Apromore initiative ( – a strategic collaboration between various universities for the development of an advanced process model repository, and coordinates QUT’s professional training program on BPM ( Marcello has taught BPM to practitioners and students in Australia and overseas for over eight years. Based on this experience, he co-authored “Fundamentals of Business Process Management” – the first, comprehensive textbook on BPM, which is used in over 100 universities in the world.